Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (2024)

Botanist is a gathering or Disciples of the Land class that harvests resources from plant lives of Eorzea. They gather raw materials for various crafting classes, including Carpenters, Weavers, Culinarians, and Alchemists.

The Botanist Guild is located in Gridania.

To become a botanist, talk to the botanist guild receptionist when you're level 10 or higher on another class.

There are two types of gathering nodes that botanists can interact with: Mature Trees (yellow icon on the minimap) via logging and Lush Vegetation Patches (blue icon on the minimap, require a secondary botanist tool equipped, first available at level 11) via harvesting.

For a visual guide of these nodes locations, please view the Youtube Channel.

Visual guide

Item Name Class Level Area Aetheryte Coordinate (x,y)
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (1)Maple LogBotanist5North ShroudNorth Shroudx28 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (2)LatexBotanist5North ShroudNorth Shroudx28 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (3)Maple BranchBotanist5North ShroudNorth Shroudx28 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (4)Beehive ChipBotanist5North ShroudNorth Shroudx25 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (5)CinnamonBotanist5North ShroudNorth Shroudx25 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (6)Maple SapBotanist5North ShroudNorth Shroudx25 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (7)Allagan SnailBotanist5Central ShroudCentral Shroudx23 y18
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (8)co*ck FeatherBotanist10Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx22 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (9)ClovesBotanist10Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx22 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (10)Crow FeatherBotanist10Central ShroudCentral Shroudx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (11)Ash BranchBotanist10Central ShroudCentral Shroudx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (12)Ash LogBotanist10Central ShroudCentral Shroudx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (13)Tinolqa MistletoeBotanist10Central ShroudCentral Shroudx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (14)Kukuru BeanBotanist10Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax32 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (15)La Noscean OrangeBotanist10Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax32 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (16)La Noscean Orange Seeds (Hidden)Botanist10Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax32 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (17)Buffalo BeansBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx18 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (18)MarjoramBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx18 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (19)Tree ToadBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx18 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (20)HumusBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx18 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (21)CarnationBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx22 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (22)Cotton BollBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx22 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (23)LavenderBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx22 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (24)ChanterelleBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx22 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (25)Lavender SeedsBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx22 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (26)Windlight SeedsBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx22 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (27)Ruby TomatoBotanist15Middle La NosceaMiddle La Nosceax22 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (28)Sunset WheatBotanist15Middle La NosceaMiddle La Nosceax22 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (29)StrawBotanist15Middle La NosceaMiddle La Nosceax22 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (30)La Noscean LettuceBotanist15Middle La NosceaMiddle La Nosceax22 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (31)La Noscean Lettuce Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Middle La NosceaMiddle La Nosceax22 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (32)Firelight Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Middle La NosceaMiddle La Nosceax22 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (33)Black PepperBotanist15Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (34)Yellow GinsengBotanist15Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (35)Alpine ParsnipBotanist15Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (36)Black Pepper Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (37)Levinlight Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx25 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (38)Gridanian ChestnutBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx20 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (39)Elm LogBotanist15Central ShroudCentral Shroudx20 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (40)Cinderfoot OliveBotanist15Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax26 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (41)Lowland GrapesBotanist15Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax26 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (42)Cieldalaes SpinachBotanist15Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax26 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (43)Highland ParsleyBotanist15Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax26 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (44)Lowland Grape Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax26 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (45)Olive Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax26 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (46)Earthlight Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax26 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (47)RyeBotanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y18
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (48)Moko GrassBotanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y18
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (49)Coerthan CarrotBotanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y18
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (50)Grass ViperBotanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y18
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (51)Coerthan Carrot Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y18
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (52)Waterlight Seeds (Hidden)Botanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y18
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (53)Ogre PumpkinBotanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (54)Garlean GarlicBotanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (55)Wild OnionBotanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (56)Garlic Cloves (Hidden)Botanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (57)Wild Onion Set (Hidden)Botanist15Western ThanalanWestern Thanalanx23 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (58)NopalesBotanist20Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx21 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (59)Grade 1 Carbonized MatterBotanist20Western La NosceaWestern La Nosceax26 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (60)Sun LemonBotanist20Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax34 y17
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (61)Sun Lemon Seeds (Hidden)Botanist20Lower La NosceaLower La Nosceax34 y17
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (62)Lalafellin LentilBotanist20Western La NosceaWestern La Nosceax31 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (63)Island SeedlingBotanist20Western La NosceaWestern La Nosceax31 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (64)PaprikaBotanist20Western La NosceaWestern La Nosceax31 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (65)Paprika Seeds (Hidden)Botanist20Western La NosceaWestern La Nosceax31 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (66)PopotoBotanist20Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx16 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (67)White ScorpionBotanist20Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx16 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (68)Desert SeedlingBotanist20Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx16 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (69)Popoto Set (Hidden)Botanist20Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx16 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (70)Galago MintBotanist20East ShroudEast Shroudx18 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (71)BelladonnaBotanist20East ShroudEast Shroudx18 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (72)Gil BunBotanist20East ShroudEast Shroudx18 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (73)Shroud SeedlingBotanist20East ShroudEast Shroudx18 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (74)Faerie AppleBotanist20East ShroudEast Shroudx15 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (75)Yew BranchBotanist20East ShroudEast Shroudx15 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (76)Yew LogBotanist20East ShroudEast Shroudx15 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (77)Faerie Apple Seeds (Hidden)Botanist20East ShroudEast Shroudx15 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (78)Gridanian WalnutBotanist25South ShroudQuarrymillx23 y21
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (79)Walnut LogBotanist25South ShroudQuarrymillx23 y21
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (80)Matron's MistletoeBotanist25South ShroudQuarrymillx23 y21
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (81)Ala Mhigan MustardBotanist25Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx14 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (82)Pearl GingerBotanist25Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx14 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (83)MillioncornBotanist25Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx14 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (84)Button MushroomBotanist25Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx14 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (85)Ala Mhigan Mustard Seeds (Hidden)Botanist25Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx14 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (86)Pearl Ginger Root (Hidden)Botanist25Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx14 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (87)Millioncorn Seeds (Hidden)Botanist25Eastern ThanalanEastern Thanalanx14 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (88)Noble GrapesBotanist25Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax14 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (89)Pixie PlumsBotanist25Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax14 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (90)Sticky RiceBotanist25Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax14 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (91)ChamomileBotanist25Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax14 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (92)Pixie Plum Seeds (Hidden)Botanist25Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax14 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (93)Chamomile Seeds (Hidden)Botanist25Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax14 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (94)Grey PigmentBotanist30South ShroudSouth Shroudx16 y21
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (95)Yellow PigmentBotanist30North ShroudNorth Shroudx27 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (96)Green PigmentBotanist30Central ShroudCentral Shroudx24 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (97)Purple PigmentBotanist30Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx24 y31
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (98)Red PigmentBotanist30Middle La NosceaMiddle La Nosceax16 y13
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (99)Blue PigmentBotanist30Eastern La NosceaEastern La Nosceax28 y33
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (100)Chocobo FeatherBotanist30South ShroudSouth Shroudx26 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (101)Moor LeechBotanist30North ShroudNorth Shroudx22 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (102)Brown PigmentBotanist30North ShroudNorth Shroudx27 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (103)Wizard EggplantBotanist30North ShroudNorth Shroudx22 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (104)Jade PeasBotanist30North ShroudNorth Shroudx22 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (105)Midland CabbageBotanist30North ShroudNorth Shroudx22 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (106)Wizard Eggplant Seeds(Hidden)Botanist30North ShroudNorth Shroudx22 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (107)Midland Cabbage Seeds(Hidden)Botanist30North ShroudNorth Shroudx22 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (108)Desert SaffronBotanist35Southern ThanalanSouthern Thanalanx20 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (109)Dragon PepperBotanist35Eastern La NosceaCosta Del Solx26 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (110)Wildfowl FeatherBotanist35South ShroudSouth Shroudx17 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (111)TarantulaBotanist35South ShroudCamp Tranquillx16 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (112)LaurelBotanist35Southern ThanalanSouthern Thanalanx20 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (113)AloeBotanist35Southern ThanalanSouthern Thanalanx20 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (114)BloodgrassBotanist35Southern ThanalanSouthern Thanalanx20 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (115)Yafaem Wildgrass(Hidden)Botanist35Southern ThanalanSouthern Thanalanx20 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (116)Midland BasilBotanist35Eastern La NosceaCosta Del Solx26 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (117)MandrakeBotanist35Eastern La NosceaCosta Del Solx26 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (118)Salt LeekBotanist35Eastern La NosceaCosta Del Solx26 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (119)Midland Basil Seeds(Hidden, Rare)Botanist35Eastern La NosceaCosta Del Solx26 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (120)Mandrake Seeds(Hidden, Rare)Botanist35Eastern La NosceaCosta Del Solx26 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (121)FlaxBotanist35South ShroudSouth Shroudx17 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (122)White TruffleBotanist35South ShroudSouth Shroudx17 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (123)Linseed(Hidden)Botanist35South ShroudSouth Shroudx17 y28
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (124)Oak BranchBotanist35South ShroudCamp Tranquillx16 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (125)Oak LogBotanist35South ShroudCamp Tranquillx16 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (126)Iron AcornBotanist40Eastern La NosceaWineportx19 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (127)Maiden ArtichokeBotanist40Eastern La NosceaWineportx21 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (128)Blood CurrantsBotanist40South ShroudSouth Shroudx21 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (129)AlmondsBotanist40Eastern La NosceaWineportx19 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (130)NutmegBotanist40Eastern La NosceaWineportx19 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (131)Mahogany LogBotanist40Eastern La NosceaWineportx19 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (132)Almond Seeds(Hidden)Botanist40Eastern La NosceaWineportx19 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (133)Ramhorn ZucchiniBotanist40Eastern La NosceaWineportx21 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (134)MugwortBotanist40Eastern La NosceaWineportx21 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (135)ThymeBotanist40South ShroudSouth Shroudx21 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (136)Blood Currant Seeds(Hidden)Botanist40South ShroudSouth Shroudx21 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (137)Mirror AppleBotanist45Coerthas Central HighlandsCoerthas Central Highlandsx23 y17
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (138)RolanberryBotanist45Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax35 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (139)MistletoeBotanist45Coerthas Central HighlandsCoerthas Central Highlandsx23 y17
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (140)Mirror Apple Seeds(Hidden)Botanist45Coerthas Central HighlandsCoerthas Central Highlandsx23 y17
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (141)Sagolii SageBotanist45Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax35 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (142)Dart FrogBotanist45Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax35 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (143)Black ScorpionBotanist45Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax35 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (144)Rolanberry Seeds(Hidden)Botanist45Upper La NosceaUpper La Nosceax35 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (145)Rosewood LogBotanist50East ShroudEast Shroudx16 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (146)Thanalan Tea LeavesBotanist50Southern ThanalanSouthern Thanalanx13 y31
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (147)Grade 3 Carbonized MatterBotanist50Eastern La NosceaEastern La Nosceax17 y32
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (148)Grade 3 Carbonized MatterBotanist50Central ThanalanCentral Thanalanx29 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (149)Grade 3 Carbonized MatterBotanist50Middle La NosceaMiddle La Nosceax19 y21
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (150)Cedar BranchBotanist50Coerthas Western HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlandsx30 y32
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (151)Rosewood BranchBotanist50East ShroudEast Shroudx16 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (152)Lava ToadBotanist50Southern ThanalanSouthern Thanalanx13 y31
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (153)Maiden GrassBotanist50Southern ThanalanSouthern Thanalanx13 y31
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (154)Cedar LogBotanist50Coerthas Western HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlandsx30 y32
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (155)Rainbow Cotton BollBotanist55Coerthas Western HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlandsx17 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (156)Cyclops Onion(Hidden)Botanist55The Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian Forelandsx36 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (157)Dark ChestnutBotanist55The Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian Forelandsx25 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (158)Emerald Beans(Hidden)Botanist55The Churning MistsThe Churning Mistsx20 y21
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (159)Sprig of Mist DillBotanist55Coerthas Western HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlandsx17 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (160)Highland WheatBotanist55The Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian Forelandsx36 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (161)Stalk of RamieBotanist55The Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian Forelandsx36 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (162)Grade 5 Carbonized Matter(Hidden, Rare)Botanist55The Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian Forelandsx36 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (163)Dark Chestnut BranchBotanist55The Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian Forelandsx25 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (164)Dark Chestnut LogBotanist55The Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian Forelandsx25 y25
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (165)Magma BeetBotanist55The Churning MistsThe Churning Mistsx20 y21
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (166)Birch LogBotanist60The Sea of CloudsThe Sea of Cloudsx25 y34
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (167)Camphorwood LogBotanist60The Churning MistsThe Churning Mistsx31 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (168)ConeflowerBotanist60The Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian Forelandsx10 y33
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (169)RueBotanist60Coerthas Western HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlandsx12 y14
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (170)DandelionBotanist60The Churning MistsThe Churning Mistsx20 y31
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (171)Sesame SeedsBotanist60The Sea of CloudsThe Sea of Cloudsx23 y10
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (172)Cow BitterBotanist60The Dravanian HinterlandsThe Dravanian Hinterlandsx14 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (173)BloodhempBotanist60The FringesThe Fringesx16 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (174)Yellow Kudzu RootBotanist60The PeaksThe Peaksx13 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (175)Shishu KobanBotanist60The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax37 y18
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (176)Dry BranchBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex10 y13
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (177)Grazing GrassBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex24 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (178)Steppe SafflowerBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex33 y12
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (179)Birch BranchBotanist60The Sea of CloudsThe Sea of Cloudsx25 y34
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (180)Birch SapBotanist60The Sea of CloudsThe Sea of Cloudsx25 y34
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (181)Cloud MushroomBotanist60The Sea of CloudsThe Sea of Cloudsx25 y34
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (182)Wind WidowBotanist60The Sea of CloudsThe Sea of Cloudsx25 y34
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (183)Camphorwood BranchBotanist60The Churning MistsThe Churning Mistsx31 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (184)CorianderBotanist60Coerthas Western HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlandsx12 y14
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (185)Whitefrost Cotton BollBotanist60Coerthas Western HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlandsx12 y14
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (186)PeriwinkleBotanist60The Dravanian HinterlandsThe Dravanian Hinterlandsx14 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (187)Dated Radz-at-Han CoinBotanist60The Dravanian HinterlandsThe Dravanian Hinterlandsx14 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (188)GaelicatnipBotanist60The Dravanian HinterlandsThe Dravanian Hinterlandsx14 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (189)Gyr Abanian WheatBotanist60The FringesThe Fringesx16 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (190)Starcrack SandBotanist60The FringesThe Fringesx16 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (191)Cotter Dynasty RelicBotanist60The FringesThe Fringesx16 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (192)Peaks PigmentBotanist60The PeaksThe Peaksx13 y7
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (193)Steppe VineBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex10 y13
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (194)Steppe Rattan LumberBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex10 y13
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (195)Azim StrawberryBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex10 y13
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (196)Duskglow CocoonBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex24 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (197)Steppe Tea LeavesBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex20 y14
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (198)Steppe RadishBotanist60The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex33 y12
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (199)Beech LogBotanist65The FringesThe Fringesx10 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (200)Kudzu RootBotanist65The FringesThe Fringesx11 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (201)Phial of Thermal FluidBotanist65Coerthas Western HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlandsx32 y15
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (202)Buckwheat KernelsBotanist65The PeaksThe Peaksx13 y11
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (203)Gem AlgaeBotanist65The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax26 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (204)SoybeansBotanist65The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax7 y9
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (205)Cloudkin FeatherBotanist65The Churning MistsThe Churning Mistsx8 y15
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (206)Shiitake MushroomBotanist65The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax20 y9
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (207)Pine ResinBotanist65YanxiaYanxiax36 y15
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (208)LoquatBotanist65The FringesThe Fringesx10 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (209)Kudzu VineBotanist65The FringesThe Fringesx11 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (210)Holy BasilBotanist65The FringesThe Fringesx11 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (211)Wild PopotoBotanist65The FringesThe Fringesx11 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (212)Harpoon HeadBotanist65The FringesThe Fringesx11 y16
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (213)Sugar BeetBotanist65The PeaksThe Peaksx13 y11
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (214)Green LeekBotanist65The PeaksThe Peaksx13 y11
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (215)Mountain PopotoBotanist65The PeaksThe Peaksx13 y11
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (216)Pinch of Active IngredientsBotanist65The PeaksThe Peaksx13 y11
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (217)Ruby Cotton BollBotanist65The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax26 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (218)Ama NoriBotanist65The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax26 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (219)Shisui JewelBotanist65The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax26 y19
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (220)Cumin SeedsBotanist65The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax7 y9
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (221)Larch LogBotanist65The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax20 y9
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (222)Pine LogBotanist65YanxiaYanxiax36 y15
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (223)PersimmonBotanist70The FringesThe Fringesx10 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (224)Ruby Tide KelpBotanist70The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax11 y13
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (225)NipplewortBotanist70The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex14 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (226)Doman EggplantBotanist70YanxiaYanxiax22 y10
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (227)AlyssumBotanist70The PeaksThe Peaksx26 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (228)Zelkova LogBotanist70The LochsThe Lochsx26 y9
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (229)Persimmon LeafBotanist70The FringesThe Fringesx10 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (230)Persimmon LogBotanist70The FringesThe Fringesx10 y30
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (231)NanorisoBotanist70The Ruby SeaThe Ruby Seax11 y13
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (232)Sun CabbageBotanist70The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex14 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (233)FennelBotanist70The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex14 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (234)ChickweedBotanist70The Azim SteppeThe Azim Steppex14 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (235)Yanxian ParsleyBotanist70YanxiaYanxiax22 y10
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (236)Nagxian CudweedBotanist70YanxiaYanxiax22 y10
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (237)Daikon RadishBotanist70YanxiaYanxiax22 y10
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (238)Gyr Abanian CarrotBotanist70The PeaksThe Peaksx26 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (239)TwincoonBotanist70The PeaksThe Peaksx26 y27
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (240)FrantoioMature Tree75LakelandLakelandx26 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (241)Bright FlaxLush Vegetation Patch75LakelandLakelandx16 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (242)Purple CarrotLush Vegetation Patch75LakelandLakelandx16 y23
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (243)White Oak LogMature Tree75KholusiaKholusiax27 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (244)White Oak LogMature Tree75KholusiaKholusiax27 y22
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (245)Upland WheatLush Vegetation Patch75KholusiaKholusiax17 y26
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (246)Night PepperLush Vegetation Patch75Amh AraengAmh Araengx31 y15
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (247)Pixie AppleMature Tree75II MhegII Mhegx30 y5
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (248)Miracle Apple LogMature Tree75II MhegII Mhegx30 y5
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (249)Blood TomatoLush Vegetation Patch75II MhegII Mhegx11 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (250)Garden BeetLush Vegetation Patch75II MhegII Mhegx11 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (251)Iridescent CocoonLush Vegetation Patch75II MhegII Mhegx11 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (252)Curly ParsleyLush Vegetation Patch75II MhegII Mhegx11 y24
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (253)Gianthive ChipMature Tree75The Rak'tika GreatwoodThe Rak'tika Greatwoodx12 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (254)White Ash LogMature Tree75The Rak'tika GreatwoodThe Rak'tika Greatwoodx12 y20
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (255)Royal GrapesLush Vegetation Patch75The Rak'tika GreatwoodThe Rak'tika Greatwoodx16 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (256)Pixie Floss BollLush Vegetation Patch75The Rak'tika GreatwoodThe Rak'tika Greatwoodx16 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (257)Creamtop MushroomLush Vegetation Patch75The Rak'tika GreatwoodThe Rak'tika Greatwoodx16 y29
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (258)Dwarven Cotton BollLush Vegetation Patch80KholusiaTomrax14 y14
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (259)Bomba RiceLush Vegetation Patch80KholusiaTomrax14 y14
Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (260)Coffee BeansLush Vegetation Patch80KholusiaTomrax14 y14

Botanist Nodes - FFXIV Gathering (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.